Practical Business Training To Uplevel Your Skills, Group Mentorship

& Sisterhood For Female Small Business Owners


Not everybody gets it.

You want a successful business that pays you well - but you don’t want to compromise your health (and sanity) to achieve it.

You want to enjoy your home life - but that doesn’t mean you lack ambition.

You want to do it your way - but you don’t want to feel like you’re winging it, faking it, playing at it.

Inside The Cocoon we get it.

Surround yourself with other women committed to building, developing and enjoying their life-friendly business.

Learn, implement, progress by taking what you need from our expansive library of resources.

And be supported by an experienced business mentor who’s helped hundreds of women develop their own life-friendly business.

Hi, I'm Erin and back in 2008, after having my first child, I left my career in TV production to find a better work-life balance.


Like most new mums, my priorities had shifted, and I was excited at the idea of starting a new chapter.

At first though, I felt quite lost. I missed having a busy, successful career. But too much had changed in my life to go back – I needed a new challenge, I loved being a mum but I still needed something for me, something that would work around my new daily schedule as a parent.

And so, with a 6 month old in tow, I invested in a franchise and entered a whole new world of being a business owner. It was a HUGE learning curve, but it felt incredibly liberating too. 

Suddenly I felt more like ‘me’ again.

But it wasn’t easy. After becoming a mum my confidence dissolved and here I was trying to learn a whole new set of skills, often while sleep-deprived. I felt overwhelmed and doubted myself constantly.

During one low point however, I had a realisation. What I missed most from my old career wasn't the work itself, but being around other people with a shared purpose. Fun, like-minded people to share the highs and lows of the journey.

So I went looking for other women who were running businesses after having children, and together with another mum I founded a local networking group. The group flourished and we all supported each other, growing in confidence as business owners at the same time. My business partner and I were honoured in The Houses of Parliament for our work supporting small businesses, and this is when I really recognised the positive impact that I could have on other people’s lives.

By now I was addicted to working for myself and having the freedom to develop my ideas and launch new products.

But in 2015 my family and I unexpectedly moved to Abu Dhabi for a year, and I was back to feeling isolated and alone as a business owner. This time I knew that it didn’t need to be this way. I had fire in my belly, I knew that I had what it took to build a scalable business, I just needed to find a new crowd of business-minded women to share the journey with.

And that's why I decided to create The Cocoon.

"Honestly, it was exactly what I needed today! I loved how everyone was just full of advice and so down to earth"

Lisa, Cocoon Member

Your Steps To Business Growth

From feeling overwhelmed and stretched thin to confidently navigating your business with ease and enjoying the entrepreneurial journey as a savvy solopreneur

How The Cocoon Enables Your Life-Friendly Business

1. The Training

An extensive vault of video masterclasses to build your business skills and fast-track your personal development plus monthly live interactive sessions.


2. The Community

A private community of like-minded women in business ready to give you sisterhood & support, so you'll always have a safe space to share your highs and lows.


3. The Mentorship

The Cocoon exists because I believe that building a business you love is hard enough without trying to do everything on your own.

I'm here to help you save time, avoid costly mistakes, and stay sane!


1. The Training

Structured into these 6 areas, designed to help you create your life-friendly business.

Click the + sign for more information on each category.

The Cocoon is a fully online training and membership program that's available to you 24x7 via your laptop, tablet or smartphone.

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2. The Community

Support, encouragement, shared experience, opportunities to collaborate, potential customers, and lifelong friends.

-1- The Cocoon members-only Facebook group

The Facebook group is your go-to for advice, feedback and motivation/reassurance/inspiration from other life-friendly business owners.

Building a life-friendly business can be tough, especially if your friends and family don’t understand this path you’ve chosen. 

You want a successful business that pays you well, and allows you to work flexibly, on your terms, without compromising your family life or well-being. It’s just not the sort of thing you can discuss with mums at the school gate, or with your sister over Sunday dinner.

That's where the amazing Cocoon Facebook group comes in. It's filled with like-minded women who'll support you every step of the way. They'll give you a virtual hug when you need it the most and a high five when you've had a win.

-2- Networking sessions

A gathering around the virtual water cooler. Take this opportunity to meet your fellow members over Zoom and enjoy an informal chat over coffee. Get advice, feedback, share your wins and your challenges and enjoy the sisterhood on offer. This is often the place where collaborations and future 1:1 connections are born.

"Erin brings such a warmth, energy and supportive nature to The Cocoon.

This, combined with a wealth of training, resources and so many helpful reminders and thoughts in my emails have really inspired me.

I recently went to my first networking session and felt so welcomed and supported - what a wonderful group!"

Ellie, Cocoon Member

3. The Mentorship

I’ve supported 100s of women in building their life-friendly businesses and I’m here to make sure you have everything you need to build yours.

In The Cocoon I am there to answer your questions, and if I don’t know the answer, I’ll have an expert on hand who does! 

As a new member you’ll be guided through a process to review where you are now and what kind of changes would have the biggest impact in the shortest time. You’ll be invited to email me this information, or hop on a call, and I’ll recommend a bespoke list of training to help you hit the ground running!

During your time as a Member to get help you can either post your question in the Facebook group, send me a private email, or ask a question during our monthly live call.

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And that's not all...

Even with 24x7 access to our awesome masterclasses, you'll sometimes hit a roadblock. Maybe you're unsure how a specific strategy applies to your business. Or perhaps you come across a situation that we haven't covered in the masterclasses.

Don't worry, because the very same experts who've created our training are active within our community and are on-hand to answer your questions and get you moving again.

(And by the way, we understand that your business isn't restricted to the 9-to-5 so neither is our support.)



What Happens Next?

Once you sign up you'll have immediate access to The Cocoon.

Your first task will be to fill our your Elevate & Align 90 Day Growth Plan Workbook.

This Workbook has been designed to help you get clarity, assess where you are and create a bespoke plan for your business.

In under an hour you will be super focused on what your next steps need to be, and what you will make use of in the Membership first.

You'll then book in for your New Member Call and Erin will connect you with the training and resources that will best help you achieve your plans.


Our Award-Winning Community 

How do I know if I'm ready?

Perfect for you if:

  • You're ready to stop spinning your wheels and wasting time
  • You want your next steps strategically planned so you can start getting results
  • You're overwhelmed by doing this on your own and wish you had someone to bounce ideas off
  • You find yourself paralyzed with overthinking and procrastination
  • You want to surround yourself with uplifting, supportive women

Not for you if:

  • You aren't a self starter
  • You need a bespoke strategy laid out for you (Check out my 1:1 Mentoring for this)
  • You aren't ready to take the necessary steps to move your business to the next level
  • You're not willing to carve out time to make the most of your Membership
  • You haven't got a business idea yet

If you're not quite ready to invest in getting business support yet you can get loads of tips and inspiration from The Life-Friendly Business Podcast. Tune in here.

Join Today & Get Instant Access



No contract, cancel anytime

 Huge library of lessons - videos, workbooks - around the 6 key areas

 Private Facebook group

 Monthly Live interactive session

 Networking opportunities

 Priority access for events

 Access to experts and peers knowledge

 A 1:1 20 minute Orientation call with Erin

Full access to absolutely everything

Cancel at any time with one click

Recurring monthly subscription



£225 per year

Save £75 (works out £18.75 p/m)

 Huge library of lessons - videos, workbooks - around the 6 key areas

 Private Facebook group

 Monthly Live interactive session

 Networking opportunities

 Priority access for events

 Access to experts and peers knowledge

 A 1:1 20 minute Orientation call with Erin

Save 25% on monthly price

Full access to absolutely everything

Recurring annual subscription


Our 14-Day "No Questions Asked" Guarantee

I'm totally confident that once you get inside The Cocoon you're going to love it.

So I want it to be completely risk-free for you to give it a try. That's why every new member (monthly or annual) gets our 14-Day "No Questions Asked" Money Back Guarantee.

If you should decide for any reason that Cocoon membership is not right for you, and cancel within the first 14 days, you'll receive your money back in full.

After that, you can cancel at any time to ensure that no future payments will be taken.

Please Take Note:

This is a community to support women as they grow and scale their business in a life-friendly way. We encourage honest and open conversation about the things that hold them back from making progress.

Therefore we ARE going to talk about personal and family matters like menopause, difficulties with our kids, strains with our partners, financial worries - because these life challenges will all be affecting how we show up for our businesses, and having a safe space to talk about them and get support is crucial to whether we succeed or fail.

If you believe that business and personal life should be kept entirely separate, the life-friendly community may not be right for you.

Hear from our Members


Case Studies

“You don’t know what you don’t know…

Being a Cocoon member has allowed me to meet lots of other women that offer services to support my business that I didn't previously know existed.

My favourite aspect of The Cocoon is being able to ask any question at any time and somebody being able to help you.

I would recommend The Cocoon to anybody that genuinely wants to grow their business - no matter what stage they are at. I am so much clearer and confident about what I do and what I can offer to others. I have found my micro-niche!

Gina Smith, Create Visual Aids

"Becoming a Cocoon member has given me more confidence, motivation, support

and lots of advice which really helped lift my business off the ground.

The Cocoon community is second to none and the business topics covered are varied. My “A Ha” moment was discovering what imposter syndrome means - and how common it is!
Women who want to learn and grow while supporting other women to do the same would benefit most from joining The Cocoon! I definitely feel like more of an expert in my field, and my confidence has grown hugely.

Felicity Sandford, Amazing Futures Ltd

“Belonging to a safe and supportive group is probably the biggest Cocoon Member win for me…

to always have help whenever needed. This brings with it buckets of confidence and valuable knowledge to grow not only our businesses but to form wonderful friendships with other Cocoon members.

Since becoming a member I'm able to say yes to the things I really really want, and to say no to things that are not true for me without needing to be apologetic. Anything which seemed out of reach a year ago has now happened and I'm able to say 'I've smashed it' and not feel that dreaded imposter syndrome.

Any determined people who wish to build on their passions and learn how to grow their businesses in a supportive, happy and safe environment should certainly join The Cocoon.”

Bonita Elms, Bonita Bakes Fine Art Wedding Cake Designer

“The Cocoon has given me:

  • The courage to do Facebook Lives in the safe and secure group
  • The confidence to attend networking events both in-person and online and make connections
  • Somewhere which is judgment free to ask for opinions and advice
  • Plus new clients who are all Cocoon members!

My favourite aspect of The Cocoon is being in a group with other women who are ALL your cheerleaders! The support from Erin and everyone is just amazing.

I'm feeling so much more confident at being visible - it's an on-going process as I'm a natural introvert but The Cocoon has really helped me progress such a lot.

Anyone who runs a business would benefit from The Cocoon especially those in the early years or those who are feeling stuck and need direction.”

Jill Pryor, Jill Pryor Design

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Build your life-friendly business today!

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