Get more eyes on your business

Increase your income + amplify your impact through your visibility

Join us

Are you ready to get your message out there to more people?

But something is holding you back?
  •  You know that you’re not shouting loud enough about what you do, but you feel overwhelmed by everything else you have going on in your business
  • You know what you could be doing to market your business… but you’re just not doing it
  • You’ve been doing this a while, but you still haven’t built up the traction you would like to and are still not hitting your income goals
  • You know you can help people (because they tell you), but as much as you try, you can’t overcome the mindset gremlins which are keeping you small

I know how frustrating this feels and you are absolutely not alone. Don't make the same mistake I did and hold yourself back for years and years, wasting precious time. 

This is the year to get your message out there.


Let's do this together.


The Visibility Mastermind is for people who want to amplify their impact, build their online presence and generate more leads and sales. 

And more importantly, they want to do this in a way that feels less overwhelming, less time consuming and less downright uncomfortable.

Whether you're a year or two in or a seasoned entrepreneur, The Visibility Mastermind will give you the guidance, accountability and inspiration to create a personalised, sustainable strategy that gets your business SEEN.  

This peer-to-peer Mastermind, led by The Life-Friendly Business Mentor, Erin Thomas Wong, will guide you through creating your very own personalized Visibility Strategy. 

After 15 years in business and overcoming her own mindset gremlins and tech challenges, Erin has been able to leverage her online visibility year after year to grow her audience, build her authority and get more ideal clients into her world.

She has worked 1:1 with 100s of women to help them overcome the barriers of getting their business seen. She’s pinpointed that there is a disparity between what they know….and what they DO.

So she’s created The Visibility Mastermind to bridge that gap.

Taking part in Erin's Visibility Mastermind is the single best action I could have taken to move my business forward with clear actionable steps and support


Thank you, Erin. Gosh, you're like a minefield of information, I am busy doing and not searching aimlessly anymore which is so great!!


Just to say, I had a peek at the resources you have sent through, and excited. Been a challenge to stay on task today and save what you have sent as a treat for the weekend!



The Visibility Mastermind

This mastermind-group program hybrid is designed to help you commit to your visibility in a consistent and sustainable way, through ongoing strategy and implementation support.

Let’s be real here. It takes regular, focused action to build your visibility, and that’s why I’m giving you the option of either 6 or 12 whole months of support, so we can do it in a way that feels totally do-able and starts to become a ritual.

And we’re keeping it as simple as possible.

Working in 90 day cycles, you’ll be planning out your actions, implementing them, reviewing and refining. 

There will be 2 x live calls a month to help keep you on track, overcome any obstacles, and to help you measure the effectiveness of your efforts.

And you won’t be doing this alone.

You’ll be in great company with our Mastermind Community of women all working towards the same goal - to get their business SEEN so they can reach and help more people.


What exactly is a Mastermind?

Mastermind groups have been around for centuries and are an incredibly effective way to take your business to the next level.

A Mastermind is a group of people who are there for one another's success and who commit to give and receive support to each other. They can be small groups (like Evolve) or larger groups. This one is larger because by having access to this wider group over the year you will benefit from many new perspectives, fresh ideas and receive invaluable feedback.

Women supporting women is powerful, and with a shared goal of wanting to get more visible, being part of this amazing Mastermind Community will help keep you motivated, inspired and to take ownership of your own goals.


What kind of things will we cover?

Here's just a snapshot of what we cover in the 7 Step Framework:

  • How to devise a personalised strategy that fits you and aligns with your business
  • How to consistently implement your visibility actions without overwhelm so that you can make the true impact you desire
  • How to feel in control of your message so that you can feel confident about speaking up
  • How to create a bank of evergreen content that builds your authority, so that you never run out of things to say
  • How to stay visible long term even when you are time and headspace limited, so that you can always be at the forefront of people’s minds
  • How to make a plan to anticipate obstacles so that your business continues to grow even during challenging times
  • How to measure your visibility progress so that you don’t feel disheartened and give up too soon

I mentor so many women who struggle with their marketing and getting themselves out there. It feels like a chore, they don’t enjoy it, and what works for other people just doesn’t seem to work for them.

I believe there are 3 crucial elements to a sustainable Visibility Strategy:

1. Personalised: You need a strategy tailored to YOU

You’ve tried following what you think you ‘should’ be doing. You’ve challenged yourself to do live video, but the thought of it is so terrifying that you never do it. You’ve been told you need to be seen ‘everywhere’ but that’s become totally overwhelming and now you hate going on social media platforms.

Let’s stop agonizing over what you think you ‘should’ be doing, and make a plan that works for you, your business, and what you actually want to do. There are so many ways to get visible, and you might actually enjoy it!

2. Proactive: You need to anticipate obstacles & make a plan to overcome them

Mindset gremlins are bound to surface when you’re pushing yourself to get visible. Imposter syndrome comes knocking - why on earth would people listen to me? It happens to the best of us. And that’s why the Mastermind Community will be so instrumental in your success. You’ll realise you’re not alone with that, and together you’ll swap tips and successes to inspire each other to keep taking action, even when those feelings come to the surface.

Lack of time is another barrier to getting visible, but with our easy-to-follow 90 day cycle you’ll learn to integrate these small tasks into your routine, without it feeling like a chore.

3. Progress Focused: You need to decide how you’ll measure your progress

How many times have you tried putting yourself out there, but the sales haven’t come in so you’ve got disheartened and given up? How different would it have felt to know that you just needed to tweak and refine and that your hard work wasn’t actually wasted? 

When we are getting visible through social media, podcasting, blogging, public speaking etc, it’s not always a clear conversion to sales. So if that’s all you’re measuring, you’ll quickly lose motivation. Together we’ll look at different ways you can measure your progress so that you can see the bigger impact of what you’re doing.


And of course... we must take a life-friendly approach with all of this!

The goal of this Mastermind is specifically to help you amplify your results by growing your audience through visibility (without paid ads)

To get the most out of being part of The Visibility Mastermind you already need to have in place:
  • At least one thing you're selling (so you can make money from getting visible)
  • One main place where people can find you online (i.e. a website / social profile)
  • A clear picture of who you're talking to (your ideal customer)

The Process

- Stage One -

Set Your Sustainable Strategy

Complete the 7 Step Framework training to help you devise your Visibility Strategy. 

By the end of the training you will have your first 90 Day Cycle in place. 

You can also utilise bonus training in The Directory of Visibility Vehicles to polish up your skills.

- Stage Two -



As you implement your actions, you will have the following support to keep you motivated and focused on your end goal

  • Monthly Mastermind Call
  • Monthly CEO Call
  • Weekly Voxer support with Erin
  • Quarterly Planning & Implementation Calls

When do we start?

Now! 🤩

  • When you sign up you will get immediate access to The Visibility 7 Step Framework so can work your way through the bite-sized videos to create your overall strategy and first 90 day plan
  • You'll have instant access to our Mastermind Community where you can ask questions, stay accountable and be inspired by your peers
  • You'll receive a link to book a Kick-off Call with Erin and ask any questions about your 90 Day Plan
  • The call structure is super simple: 1 x Mastermind call and 1 x CEO call a month. Calls take place on Wednesdays 12-1pm UK time during term time.
I'm IN!

What's Included In

The Visibility Mastermind...


The 7 Step Framework For Sustainable Visibility

A step-by-step framework so you can develop your own approach to visibility, tailored to your business, your strengths and what you enjoy doing most.


Monthly Group Mastermind Call

Providing the opportunity to access the hive mind of your peers to help you brainstorm ideas, get inspiration on what’s working for others, and overcome any challenges you’re facing. 


Monthly CEO Call

Enabling you to carve out time to actually measure the impact of your visibility strategy and plan out your actions for the following month.


1:1 Voxer Office Hours

Every Wednesday Erin will be available on Voxer to answer questions, give 1:1 feedback and brainstorm with via memo or text.



Planning/Implementation Call

Where you can get laser focused on the months ahead and actually take action during the call - planning your content, writing, scheduling, brainstorming your ideas for the next 90 days.


Access to the Mastermind Community

Where you can keep accountable, ask for help, share your wins and much more.


And we're keeping it super simple...

When you join The Visibility Mastermind you will first of all complete the 7 Step Framework which will guide you to create your own personalized strategy. You'll then be ready to commit to your first 90 Day Cycle.

Utilizing the monthly Mastermind and CEO Calls, you'll keep motivated and on track with your goals. Each person will be working to their own 90 Day Cycle (we don't start at a set point), which means you can adapt yours to fit with the rest of your life - so for example, you might want to work within school terms, or delay your next cycle start date if you're ill etc.

This is not a 90 Day Sprint four times a year.... because that would be exhausting!.... It's about learning to integrate consistent, focused visibility actions into your normal business activities, so that you can grow your business in a sustainable way.

Hear From Our Masterminders


This Mastermind Is For You If...

  • You are selling your services online
  • You know what you’re selling and who to
  • You know that you need to make marketing a priority, but you’re just not doing it
  • You’ve tried what feels like ‘everything’ and you’re just not getting the traction you need
  • You’re willing to put in the work and action your plan consistently
  • You know that having the support of a group inspires and motivates you, and you’re willing to ask for help when you need it


“Being part of the Mastermind has helped in a few ways.  

Firstly by providing me with some structure, both in terms of the 7 Step Framework and also the templates/worksheets.  

Secondly, the structure has given me permission to not have to do EVERYTHING all at once (which I KNOW, but sometimes I find it hard to trust!!).  

Thirdly, having the regular supported check-ins (and I really appreciate them not being every single week, that would be too much for me) and linked to this, the other women in the group - which helps I think both from an accountability point of view, but also just in terms of knowing there are others alongside you with the same goals, even if they're at different stages of business - good for ideas and for moral support.  

Also, it's helping me to get better at asking for help, which I have not been great at in life so far!!!!”


Your Investment

6 Month Option


Payment Plan Available

Option to spread payments over 6 months 

£167 x 6 monthly payments


12 Month Option


Payment Plan Available

Option to spread payments over 12 months 

Plus 12 Month Bonus : A 1:1 60 min Strategy Session with Erin (worth £175)



The Visibility Mastermind


Here's everything you get when you join:

  • 7 Step Framework which guides you through creating your sustainable visibility strategy so you finally have a plan you can action (worth £197)
  • Monthly Mastermind Call giving you a hot seat opportunity to get bespoke advice from your peers and keep you moving forward (worth £1999)
  • Monthly CEO Call to help you carve out space to track your progress, ask questions and plan your next steps (worth £1999)
  • Weekly Support From Erin During Voxer Office Hours every Wednesday during term time get 1:1 feedback and advice from a Mentor who gets it (worth £2500)
  • Planning/Implementation Call every 3 months so you can take a deep dive into your strategy and action things on on the call itself (worth £999)
  • Access to The Mastermind Community for a whole year so you have the sisterhood and support to keep you motivated and inspired (Priceless!)
  • Either 6 or 12 Months of Support so that you can create great habits and processes to get visible in a consistent and sustainable way (Priceless!)


Total Value £7,000+


Please Note: Calls take place on Wednesdays 12-1pm UK Time term time only


Apply Now

If you're ready to amplify your impact and increase your income, fill out this form to join us!


If you aren’t completely satisfied with The Visibility Mastermind, let us know within the first 14-days for a full refund. No questions asked.


Please Take Note:

This is a community to support women as they grow and scale their business in a life-friendly way. We encourage honest and open conversation about the things that hold them back from making progress.

Therefore we ARE going to talk about personal and family matters like menopause, difficulties with our kids, strains with our partners, financial worries - because these life challenges will all be affecting how we show up for our businesses, and having a safe space to talk about them and get support is crucial to whether we succeed or fail.

If you believe that business and personal life should be kept entirely separate, the life-friendly community may not be right for you.


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