Building Your Impact

One Step at a Time

A Simple Framework with Mastermind & 1:1 Support to Boost Visibility and Grow Your Business

Join us & Commit to your visibility

Building Your Impact

One Step at a Time

A Simple Framework with Mastermind & 1:1 Support to Boost Visibility and Grow Your Business

Join us & Commit to your visibility

No matter where you are in your business journey, this program helps you take immediate steps towards visibility & business growth

What has been your challenge so far?
  • Feel overwhelmed by marketing? Our simple step-by-step framework breaks it down into easy, manageable actions 
  • Feel uncomfortable putting yourself out there? We'll be digging deeper into the mindset gremlins that might be holding you back, and help you to overcome them
  • Know what you should be doing but just NOT doing it?! Our accountability framework with regular calls and weekly 1:1 access to Erin will keep you on track 
  • Not sure why you're not getting more traction? You'll have the opportunity to talk directly to Erin and get feedback

The Visibility Commitment program is designed for female small business owners who want to enhance their business visibility consistently and sustainably. It is ideal for those feeling overwhelmed by marketing or unsure where to start.

This unique program offers a structured framework, regular mastermind and CEO support calls, and a community to help you take small, actionable steps toward building your brand and increasing your impact over time, regardless of your current stage in business.

The Visibility Commitment, led by Erin Thomas Wong—The Life-Friendly Business Mentor—guides female small business owners in crafting and implementing a simple, personalized visibility strategy.

With 16 years of experience, Erin has overcome her own mindset challenges and tech obstacles, successfully growing her online presence, authority, and client base.

Having worked one-on-one with hundreds of women, she's identified a gap between the knowledge they have, and the action they take.

This program is designed to bridge that gap, helping entrepreneurs nurture relationships and create a positive impact

Taking part in Erin's Visibility Mastermind is the single best action I could have taken to move my business forward with clear actionable steps and support


Thank you, Erin. Gosh, you're like a minefield of information, I am busy doing and not searching aimlessly any more which is so great!!


Just to say, I had a peek at the resources you have sent through, and excited. Been a challenge to stay on task today and save what you have sent as a treat for the weekend!


I'm Ready!

This mastermind-group program hybrid is designed to help you commit to your visibility in a consistent and sustainable way, through ongoing strategy and implementation support.

Let’s be real here. It takes regular, focused action to build your visibility, and that’s why this program offers 6 months of implementation support, so that we can do it in a way that feels totally do-able and starts to become a ritual.

And we’re keeping it as simple as possible.

Working in 90 day cycles, you’ll be planning out your actions, implementing them, reviewing and refining. 

There are 2 x live calls a month to help keep you on track, overcome any obstacles, and to help you measure the effectiveness of your efforts.

Plus 1:1 access to Erin every Wednesday through our Voxer Clinic.

And you won’t be doing this alone.

You’ll be in great company with our Mastermind Community of women all working towards the same goal - to get their business SEEN so they can reach and help more people.


What do I need to 'commit' to?

This program requires commitment because consistent visibility actions are key to building a strong, recognizable brand. Achieving lasting success in marketing isn't about quick fixes or sporadic efforts; it's about making a sustained, dedicated effort to engage with your audience regularly.

But what makes this program different, is that you will be creating your own bespoke plan. This is about working at your own pace, on your own terms, and being strategic in a life-friendly way.

By committing to this program and implementing the simple framework, you'll develop habits and strategies that ensure your business stays top-of-mind for potential clients, helping you build relationships, trust, and authority over time. Your commitment to these actions is essential for seeing real, impactful results in your business growth.

The Visibility Commitment is a 6-month program designed to help you build and sustain your business visibility. At the end of the 6 months, you can choose to renew and continue with us for as many cycles as you’d like. This allows you to maintain your momentum, deepen your strategies, and keep benefiting from the ongoing support and community. Whether you stay for one cycle or multiple, you’re in control of your visibility journey.


What exactly is a Mastermind?

Mastermind groups have been around for centuries and are an incredibly effective way to take your business to the next level.

A Mastermind is a group of people who are there for one another's success and who commit to give and receive support to each other. They can be small groups (like Evolve) or larger groups. This one is larger because by having access to this wider group over the year you will benefit from many new perspectives, fresh ideas and receive invaluable feedback.

Women supporting women is powerful, and with a shared goal of wanting to get more visible, being part of this amazing Mastermind Community will help keep you motivated, inspired and to take ownership of your own goals.


What kind of training will we cover in this program? 

Here's just a snapshot of what we cover in the 7 Step Framework which you will get instant access to:

  • How to devise a personalised strategy that fits you and aligns with your business
  • How to consistently implement your visibility actions without overwhelm so that you can make the true impact you desire
  • How to feel in control of your message so that you can feel confident about speaking up
  • How to create a bank of evergreen content that builds your authority, so that you never run out of things to say
  • How to stay visible long term even when you are time and headspace limited, so that you can always be at the forefront of people’s minds
  • How to make a plan to anticipate obstacles so that your business continues to grow even during challenging times
  • How to measure your visibility progress so that you don’t feel disheartened and give up too soon

During the live calls the topics will vary and depend on what people need help with at that time, but you will always come away with specific actionable steps to implement.

I'm Ready! Get Started

I mentor so many women who struggle with their marketing and getting themselves out there. It feels like a chore, they don’t enjoy it, and what works for other people just doesn’t seem to work for them.

I believe there are 3 crucial elements to a sustainable Visibility Strategy:

1. Personalised: You need a strategy tailored to YOU

You’ve tried following what you think you ‘should’ be doing. You’ve challenged yourself to do live video, but the thought of it is so terrifying that you never do it. You’ve been told you need to be seen ‘everywhere’ but that’s become totally overwhelming and now you hate going on social media platforms.

Let’s stop agonizing over what you think you ‘should’ be doing, and make a plan that works for you, your business, and what you actually want to do. There are so many ways to get visible, and you might actually enjoy it!

2. Proactive: You need to anticipate obstacles & make a plan to overcome them

Mindset gremlins are bound to surface when you’re pushing yourself to get visible. Imposter syndrome comes knocking - why on earth would people listen to me? It happens to the best of us. And that’s why the Mastermind Community will be so instrumental in your success. You’ll realise you’re not alone with that, and together you’ll swap tips and successes to inspire each other to keep taking action, even when those feelings come to the surface.

Lack of time is another barrier to getting visible, but with our easy-to-follow 90 day cycle you’ll learn to integrate these small tasks into your routine, without it feeling like a chore.

3. Progress Focused: You need to decide how you’ll measure your progress

How many times have you tried putting yourself out there, but the sales haven’t come in so you’ve got disheartened and given up? How different would it have felt to know that you just needed to tweak and refine and that your hard work wasn’t actually wasted? 

When we are getting visible through social media, podcasting, blogging, public speaking etc, it’s not always a clear conversion to sales. So if that’s all you’re measuring, you’ll quickly lose motivation. Together we’ll look at different ways you can measure your progress so that you can see the bigger impact of what you’re doing.

And of course... we must take a life-friendly approach with all of this!

The goal of this program is to help you consistently build your online presence and brand visibility.

By providing a structured, personalized strategy, ongoing support through mastermind and CEO calls, and a collaborative community, the program aims to bridge the gap between knowledge and action.

It helps you to take actionable steps to nurture relationships, enhance your marketing efforts, and attract more ideal clients, ultimately growing your business.


To get the most out of The Visibility Commitment you already need to have in place:
  • At least one thing you're selling (so you can make money from getting visible)
  • One main place where people can find you online (i.e. a website / social profile)
  • A clear picture of who you're talking to (your ideal customer)

The Commitment Framework

- Stage One -

Create Your Strategy


  • Complete the easy-to-follow 7 Step Framework training to help you devise your Visibility Strategy and create a list of achievable small actions to implement. 
  • By the end of the training you will have your first 90 Day Cycle in place. 
  • You can also utilise bonus training in The Visibility Toolkit to polish up your skills.

- Stage Two -



As you implement your actions, you will have the following support to keep you motivated and focused on your end goal

  1. Monthly Mastermind Call
  2. Monthly CEO Call
  3. Weekly Voxer support with Erin
  4. Quarterly Planning & Implementation Calls
  5. Mastermind Community forum

The Commitment Framework

- Stage One -

Create Your Strategy

Complete the easy-to-follow 7 Step Framework training to help you devise your Visibility Strategy and create a list of achievable small actions to implement. 

By the end of the training you will have your first 90 Day Cycle in place. 

You can also utilise bonus training in The Visibility Toolkit to polish up your skills.

- Stage Two -



As you implement your actions, you will have the following support to keep you motivated and focused on your end goal

  1. Monthly Mastermind Call
  2. Monthly CEO Call
  3. Weekly Voxer support with Erin
  4. Quarterly Planning & Implementation Calls
  5. Mastermind Community forum

We're keeping it super simple...

When you join The Visibility Commitment you will first of all complete the 7 Step Framework which will guide you to create your own personalized strategy. You'll then be ready to commit to your first 90 Day Cycle.

Utilizing the monthly Mastermind and CEO Calls, you'll keep motivated and on track with your goals. Each person will be working to their own 90 Day Cycle (we don't start at a set point), which means you can adapt yours to fit with the rest of your life - so for example, you might want to work within school terms, or delay your next cycle start date if you're ill etc.

This is not a 90 Day Sprint four times a year.... because that would be exhausting!.... It's about learning to integrate consistent, focused visibility actions into your normal business activities, so that you can grow your business in a sustainable way.

When do we start?

Now! 🤩

  • When you sign up you will get immediate access to The Visibility 7 Step Framework so can work your way through the bite-sized videos to create your overall strategy and first 90 day plan
  • You'll have instant access to our Mastermind Community where you can ask questions, stay accountable and be inspired by your peers
  • You'll receive a link to book a 1:1 Kick-off Call with Erin and ask any questions about your 90 Day Plan
  • The call structure is super simple: 1 x Mastermind call and 1 x CEO call a month. Calls take place on Wednesdays 12-1pm UK time during term time.
  • You'll also receive a handy Visibility Commitment Workbook in the post to keep all your notes in one place!
I'm IN!

What's Included In

The Visibility Commitment...


The 7 Step Framework For Sustainable Visibility

A simple step-by-step framework so you can develop your own approach to visibility, tailored to your business, your strengths and what you enjoy doing most.


Monthly Group Mastermind Call

Providing the opportunity to access the invaluable hive mind of your peers to help you brainstorm ideas, get inspiration on what’s working for others, and overcome any challenges you’re facing. 


Monthly CEO Call

Enabling you to carve out time to actually measure the impact of your visibility strategy and plan out your actions for the following month. You'll have an opportunity to ask questions and share your wins with the group.


1:1 Voxer Office Hours

Every Wednesday during term time Erin will be available on Voxer to answer questions, give 1:1 feedback and brainstorm with via memo or text.



Planning/Implementation Call

An optional quarterly call where you can get laser focused on the months ahead and actually take action during the session - planning your content, writing, scheduling, brainstorming your ideas for the next 90 days.


Access to the Mastermind Community

Where you can keep accountable, ask for help, share your wins and much more. We are all here to champion each other, lift each other up and make progress together.


Join Now & Grow Your Business

Hear From Our Masterminders


This Mastermind Is For You If...

  • You're selling services online and know your target market.
  • You recognize the importance of marketing but struggle to take action.
  • Despite trying various strategies, you're not achieving the desired traction.
  • You're ready to commit to consistent action and work on your plan.
  • You value the motivation and inspiration of group support and are open to asking for help when needed.

Your Visibility Commitment


Here's everything you get when you join:

  • 7 Step Framework which guides you through creating your sustainable visibility strategy so you finally have a plan you can action (worth £297)
  • Monthly Mastermind Call giving you a hot seat opportunity to get bespoke advice from your peers and keep you moving forward (worth £650)
  • Monthly CEO Call to help you carve out space to track your progress, ask questions and plan your next steps (worth £650)
  • Weekly Support From Erin During Voxer Office Hours every Wednesday during term time get 1:1 feedback and advice from a Mentor who gets it (worth £2000)
  • Planning/Implementation Call every 3 months so you can take a deep dive into your strategy and action things on on the call itself (worth £250)
  • Access to The Mastermind Community so you have the sisterhood and support to keep you motivated and inspired (Priceless!)
  • 6 Months of Support so that you can create great habits and processes to get visible in a consistent and sustainable way (Priceless!)


Total Value £4,000+

You Pay £1,997

Please Note: Calls take place on Wednesdays 12-1pm UK Time term time


Your Visibility 



Here's everything you get when you join:

  • 7 Step Framework which guides you through creating your sustainable visibility strategy so you finally have a plan you can action (worth £297)
  • Monthly Mastermind Call giving you a hot seat opportunity to get bespoke advice from your peers and keep you moving forward (worth £1000)
  • Monthly CEO Call to help you carve out space to track your progress, ask questions and plan your next steps (worth £1000)
  • Weekly Support From Erin During Voxer Office Hours every Wednesday during term time get 1:1 feedback and advice from a Mentor who gets it (worth £2000)
  • Planning/Implementation Call every 3 months so you can take a deep dive into your strategy and action things on on the call itself (worth £799)
  • Access to The Mastermind Community so you have the sisterhood and support to keep you motivated and inspired (Priceless!)
  • 6 Months of Support so that you can create great habits and processes to get visible in a consistent and sustainable way (Priceless!)


Total Value £5,000+

You Pay £1,997 £997

Please Note: Calls take place on Wednesdays 12-1pm UK Time term time

Apply Now

Get on the waitlist and Erin will be in touch, or you can contact her at [email protected]


Please Take Note:

This is a community to support women as they grow and scale their business in a life-friendly way. We encourage honest and open conversation about the things that hold them back from making progress.

Therefore we ARE going to talk about personal and family matters like menopause, difficulties with our kids, strains with our partners, financial worries - because these life challenges will all be affecting how we show up for our businesses, and having a safe space to talk about them and get support is crucial to whether we succeed or fail.

If you believe that business and personal life should be kept entirely separate, the life-friendly community may not be right for you.


I'm IN!