From Fashion Production Manager To Jewellery Business Owner

Lisa launched her business Clasp London in September 2017 after spending months looking for part time or flexible roles around her family, and not being able to find anything that was right. She had worked in creative environments prior to having children as a Fashion Production Manager and decided that the best way to find a creative and interesting role was to create her own!
“I joined the Cocoon online members club almost a year ago, while I was in the very early stages of researching and starting my business, Clasp London. It’s an independent jewellery brand - delicate, feminine pieces in Sterling Silver and gold-plated silver.
Prior to starting the business I’d been a stay-at-home-mum for 8 years after leaving my career as a fashion production manager when my eldest was born. I knew how to source products and felt okay about developing the branding as I have a design degree, but when it came to marketing, finance, PR, cash flow, legal issues, social media content planning and advertising, I was a total newbie and nervous as anything. This is where the Cocoon came in – firstly, I was immediately put in touch with other women running similar businesses who I could bounce ideas off of. Then came the masterclasses – fantastic video tutorials on all aspects of running a business. There are so many I’m not even halfway through them, but it’s great to be able to dip in and out whenever I need to brush up my skills. Then there are the experts – regular video chats allow you to ask questions and get advice from industry specialists.
I had a fantastic one-to-one with Glenda Shawley, the resident Marketing expert, when I first launched online which really helped me to identify my customer and understand their behaviours. For me, the most useful resources are the monthly video calls with Erin, the masterclasses and the various challenges – these really help you to push yourself outside of your comfort zone and get going on things which might otherwise sit on your to-do list forever!
The next steps for my business are to really work on growing sales, improving website SEO and reaching new customers. With the Cocoon I feel like my business has the potential to achieve these things as I have a great tribe behind me, helping every step of the way.”
To find out more about the support you could benefit from as a Cocoon member, click here.
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