The Life-Friendly Living Blog


My Takeaways From Atomicon

andrew&pete atomicon atomicon23 atomicon24 personal development scorecard app small business small business conference

I’ve just returned from a brilliant few days in Newcastle attending the Atomicon conference hosted by Andrew & Pete. It was a fantastic event with great speakers and a high vibe atmosphere!

I honestly think that as a small business owner investing in our own personal and professional development is so important, and not only have I learned loads of things to enhance what I do, I’ve also taken away golden nuggets to help my clients.

Before I caught my train, I recorded this video of my top takeaways from each talk I went to, so that hopefully they can be of help to you too, and spark a few lightbulb moments.

The speakers I mention are Andrew & Pete, Joe Wicks, Rob & Kennedy, Daniel Priestley, Teresa Heath-Wareing, Dani Wallace, Chris James and Chris Do.

Daniel Priestley is the founder of Scorecard app which I’ve been trying out - it’s quiz software with mind blowing AI integration - check it out here with a 30 day free trial.

I’ve already booked my ticket for Atomicon 2024 so if you fancy joining me you can grab your ticket here!

Full disclosure - these are affiliate links so if you sign up I get a small commission, but I only recommend things I genuinely love 😊


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