TheĀ Life-Friendly Living Blog


I left my business for 34 days


I've just returned from over a month away travelling around Canada with my kids and husband. It was a holiday of a lifetime and after years of planning absolutely lived up to our high expectations.

We were able to take this time off work because both my husband and I are self employed and not limited by allocated holiday days. But being business owners also means that we had to be savvy in how to pay for this epic holiday, so we rented out our house on Airbnb to contribute towards the costs.

I've also built my business to be life-friendly and for me that means not having to work during school holidays (unless I want to).

My Online Business Manager and I had been planning for my absence for months.

We had:

  • Written up a strategy for the Summer and had pre-written content for emails / social so that I kept a consistent presence 
  • Informed my paying members and clients of my plans and let them know how to access support in my absence
  • Made sure the right people had access to everything they needed

It was invaluable to know I was leaving the business in safe hands and this is reason #2490 why outsourcing is the way to go as a solopreneur - you do not have to do everything alone - build a team of experts around you and it will pay dividends in this situation.

I also made the crazy decision *not* to take my laptop...(which did give me heart palpitations!)

So how did it go?

It was great! We didn't have any major issues at all.  I checked my emails and social when I could get on WiFi and occasionally my OBM and I chatted on WhatsApp memo for updates. 

The only issue I had was when I needed to access my Stripe account because 1) I was on open WiFi a lot so was apprehensive to use a banking app and 2) Stripe didn't like the fact that I was moving about and kept taking me though extra security (which is great but I had a Canadian SIM in my mobile so couldn't receive pin codes etc)

(It's also fair to say that August is the quietest month of the year for my members because the majority are all also taking time to be with the kids, so my social channels always go quiet, although email open rates have been great)


But here's the bit I wasn't expecting?....

Feeling a bit lost being away from my business baby...

 ...because my business is actually a HUGE part of who I am 

...I missed the addictive feeling of being 'in flow' creatively, because I was able to switch off pretty much completely from 'Work Erin'

...but then who is Erin without the business??

I wasn't actually sure...It was discombobulating!

But what I've taken away from all this is a bucket load of gratitude that after this once-in-a-lifetime holiday, I am actually returning to a life I LOVE. 

I'm returning to the life I have consciously BUILT 

I'm returning to a business that brings me JOY

And although having a break is always beneficial, I've created a business that I really don't need a holiday from.

High 5 to that.


If you would like to create the same... there are so many ways I can help you achieve this regardless of your stage in business or budget. So don't wait any longer...get in touch today :)


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