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The Life-Friendly Living Blog


Are you actually listening to your audience?

#blog assumptions audience feedback sociallistening

In this Facebook Live I talk about getting feedback and listening to your audience.

How often are you asking your audience what they need?
Do you continue to check in with them regularly?

Sometimes we think we understand and know what people need and want, but these assumptions might mean that your messaging isn't quite hitting the mark. 

When we understand our ideal client's problems and frustrations, we can adapt our marketing and solutions to meet their needs.

Some ways to do this are:
- Social listening, read the conversational posts in groups where your ideal clients hang out
- Check-in with your own audience via email, surveys and polls.

This can sometimes feel hard or scary because of the things you imagine they might say, but I promise you the responses you get will never be worse than your own inner critic!

 Watch the replay here. 

I have a FREE free mini-course that you can download to help you understand your ideal client here
(take 30 mins max to complete)


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