The Life-Friendly Living Blog


The 3 Biggest Blocks To Growth

content marketing tips women in business digital marketing for women small business marketing social media marketing for female owned businesses visibility

I work with a lot of women just like you. They love their business and believe in what they offer, but they hate having to put themselves out there to sell it.

It feels like a chore, it’s uncomfortable, and they would rather do their tax return than get their face out there on social (OK, maybe the tax return is an exaggeration ;op)

When we talk it through, these are often the blocks that are coming up for them:

  1. They are worried about being judged (especially by people who know them)
  2. They are scared to pitch themselves as an ‘expert’
  3. They’re worried that if they get visible, they won’t be able to manage the workload


The truth is this:

  1. People are way too busy thinking about themselves to really care about what we are doing
  2. You only need to be a few steps ahead to help the person behind you
  3. You don’t have to say ‘yes’ to every potential customer, and there is such a thing as a waitlist if you don’t have capacity immediately ;o)  (and if you are lucky enough to have this problem, it might be time for a digital product that can serve more people)


Don’t let these blocks prevent you from building the thriving business you know you’re capable of.

Surround yourself with the support and sisterhood you need to overcome the mindset gremlins as and when they pop up. 

The Visibility Mastermind is waiting for you.

Find out more here.


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