TheĀ Life-Friendly Living Blog


Is it wrong to feel like this?

Erin from Life-Friendly Business sharing thoughts on listening to what our minds and bodies need.

I don't know about you, but I am in proper hibernation mode.

I'm just craving early nights, cosy pyjamas, hot chocolates, hot baths, afternoon naps and romantic Christmas movies (my not-so-guilty-secret)

I'm not feeling particularly drawn to going to for social evenings, and instead opting in for cosy nights at home.

Are you feeling the same?


The good news is that it is totally normal. In fact I read a post that explained in the Winter months we actually need 1.5 hours extra sleep a night!  

Since the first lockdown I've absolutely learned that if I work with my energy, not against it, it totally makes my creative juices flow and my productivity is on fire.

Like last Thursday. I felt totally depleted. I just wanted to hide under the duvet. So I did. I had a little cry. I spoke to a friend. And I let myself rest. Work had to wait.

Fast forward to Friday, and I quickly bounced back! By lunchtime I had recorded and edited THREE episodes of The Life-Friendly Business Podcast! (Season 3 is commminnggg!)


But if I hadn't listened to what my body and mind needed on Thursday, I know Friday would have been a wipe out too. If I'd pushed through, I would have been doing so from an empty tank.

Can you relate to this?


I know it's not always easy to rest when you're living a hectic, busy life. But please be mindful of what you're committing to. And what you're saying yes to.

Always leave enough energy for the things you love in life.

Erin x


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