The Life-Friendly Living Blog


100% Job Satisfaction


I'm just going to put this out there, even though there's part of me that worries this sounds too smug, or boastful, but I think it's important that I share it.

Every single day I get to work closely with women to help them to make positive change in their life and business.

I wake up feeling fulfilled.

I spend my day doing things I genuinely enjoy.

I feel energised, rather than drained, by the people I work with.

And I go to bed at night knowing that I have made a positive impact in someone's life.


I appreciate that not everyone feels like that about their work.

For years I was following the methodology of trying to reach the millions - focusing on social media stats, just trying to get my message out as far and wide as I could.

But sometimes that feels like you're shouting into a dark cave. You can't see their faces. You don't even know if anyone is listening.


Since I launched The Evolve Mastermind, and just now the Member's only CEO Retreat, I've discovered that focusing on fewer clients, but serving them more deeply, is 10x more fulfilling.

Being able to offer these more intensive programs means that I get to support these women on a much deeper level. I get to develop a full understanding of what makes them tick, and how their business really runs, and therefore I'm able to give them solid bespoke advice, rather than a one-size-fits-all approach.

To say I love what I do is an understatement.

I've designed a business that lights me up. That leans into my strengths. That earns me great money. That allows me to be the Mum I want to be.

And THAT is what a life-friendly business is all about.


Having Clarity

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