The Life-Friendly Living Blog


5 Keys To Overcome Failure

#blog #steppingup
Erin Thomas Wong working at cafe with coffee and cake

Everyone hates to fail but what most people don’t realize is that failing is part of success.

Anyone who has ever succeeded has failed many times. In order to enjoy running our business, we need to have a mindset shift with this. So, how can we approach it?


Here are 5 keys to overcoming failure:

1 Learn From Your Mistakes and Failures.

 How did you learn to ride a bike? The short answer: you fell off 100 times. Every time you make a mistake or fail, learn as much as you can from it so that you are better prepared next time.

 Action Step: Write down the top five things that you learned from your last mistake or failure.


2 Don’t Dwell on It.

Now that you have learned something from your mistake, move on. Don’t dwell on your past. You can’t tell where you are going if you are looking backwards. Also, dwelling on your past failures will keep you in prison right where you are.

Action Step: Read what you have written down in Key 1 (The 5 Things You Learned).


3 Don’t Be Afraid to Try Again.

 Don’t let the fear from your last failure stop you from reaching your greatness, goal, dream, or potential. Just like learning to ride that bike, you didn’t fall once or twice and then give up.

Action Step: Take what you have learned and try it again now that you are better prepared.


4 Surround Yourself with Positive People.

 No matter what it is that you are trying to achieve, surround yourself with successful people that have done what you want to do. One of the best ways to overcome failure is to learn how other people just like you overcame failure. This will not only encourage you but give you proof that it can be done.

 Action Step: Find a person or a group of people who are successful and spend time hanging out with them (This is why I created The Cocoon by the way!)

5 Realizing Failure is Part of the Learning Curve.

 Failure and mistakes aren’t fun but they are what help us learn to be great at whatever it is we are trying to achieve. “There are no secrets to success. It is the result of preparation, hard work, and learning from failure.”

Action Step: Think back to a time where you succeeded. Then think how many times you failed or made mistakes to get to that success.

Now that you have the 5 Keys to Overcoming Failure, go out there and just do it! 

You have everything you need to make your business a success - you just need to believe it. Don’t let anyone or anything stop you from reaching your full potential in life.

Let’s do this!


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