TheĀ Life-Friendly Living Blog


Are you surrounding yourself with positive people?


Community and Connection underpins everything I do.

It’s essential to surround yourself with positive people, who will lift you up rather than tear you down. 

Being part of a like-minded community undoubtedly makes you more likely to succeed and here’s why.

  • Community gives you a space to be unapologetically ‘you’, and to be accepted as ‘you’.
  • It’s a safe space to learn, evolve and grow surrounded by other people of a similar mindset.
  • When you have challenges you know you’re not alone, as you have witnessed other people overcome the same challenge.


Connection is one of our most basic human needs.

We need to feel connected to someone or something to have a truly fulfilled life.


My aim is to connect women not just on a business level, but on a much deeper one.

I nurture true friendships and create a space where they feel part of something much bigger than themselves.

It's a movement.

A movement of women deciding to carve their own paths and do it on their own terms, where they can feel empowered and strong as we rise together.

Cheering you on, Erin x


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