The Life-Friendly Living Blog


She doubled her income without burnout

#worklifebalance accountability consistency consultant realistic schedule

Ali is a Donor Communications Consultant, helping non-profit businesses and leaders communicate more effectively to their donor audience so they can raise more money for their cause.

After doing her annual review, Ali recognised that she had loads of ideas and knowledge about what she should be doing, but she wasn’t actually doing it…. She needed the accountability and consistency to help her make progress and so she joined The Evolve Mastermind.

She’s found the weekly ritual so beneficial that she has now completed 3 cycles of Evolve back-to-back.

Her biggest takeaway has been how important sisterhood has been in helping her to feel supported on her journey. 

Making the investment in herself and her business has helped her move the needle dramatically - she’s doubled her income in the last year and is on track to double it again next year. 

And most importantly, she’s achieved this without burnout, with lots of memories of time with her family, and with having whitespace in her week to stop the overwhelm.

Would you like to find out more about our 12 Week Mastermind program? Drop me an email at [email protected]


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