The Life-Friendly Living Blog


A Commitment to Visibility: The Wins

#blog #visibility

We've just had our final Visibility Commitment call of 2024 and have been reflecting on the impact of our visibility actions this year.

It's so important to do this as there's not always a clear correlation between visibility and sales for example, but when you look back you can often see the power of the cumulative effect.

Some wins reported by the masterminders are:

🏆 Being approached to speak at events

🏆 A 1400% increase in LinkedIn reach!

🏆 New clients that have come through speaking at events, Instagram content, reading blog posts

🏆 Increased confidence in selling and articulating what they want to say

🏆 Getting clarity on their offers and messaging

🏆 Hitting 1k followers on Instagram

🏆 Finally feeling organised with their content

🏆 Being able to take time off guilt free and have a system in place for people to book in (and pay) for when they are working again

🏆 Having huge mindset shifts so they can now approach visibility with less mindset gremlins in the way!

When you make the commitment to get visible, it actually shines the light on so many areas of your business and forces you to take stock of what is, and what isn't, working.

That's why in this program I support you to improve all these different areas of your business.

Let's not put our heads in the sand about what needs attention - face the reality and then make a plan of action to move forward with.

You've got this! 🙌


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