TheĀ Life-Friendly Living Blog


We Get To Decide


My first business was a fingerprint jewellery franchise back in 2008, and as you can imagine, Christmas was the busiest time of the year. 

From 1 Nov to mid Dec I would be attending markets and fayres for 6+ hour stints, every single Saturday and Sunday. Then I would need to spend my weekdays making the jewellery to fufil the orders around the childcare that I could get in place.

There was always the pressure of 'what if' I can't get all these orders ready for delivery before Christmas eve - eek!

Although I really enjoyed running this business for 5 years and I learned SO much, it wasn't life-friendly for me. It meant missing out on time with my kids during this special time of year.

And it's right now that I've always loved the most - the weeks before Christmas when we can enjoy the twinkling lights, festive drinks, school events and hallmark movies, all without the pressure that Christmas Day itself brings.

Now, 16 years on, I've designed a business that allows me to embrace all of this fun, without worrying that I'm dropping the ball on my business or losing out on sales. 

We get to decide.

Now is the perfect time to be reflecting on what you want MORE of next year, and start putting in steps to help you achieve it.


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